Saturday, July 18, 2009

Justice Reinvestment -- progress

John Perry, from the VT Department of Corrections (DOC) is a guest on my TV show, "Correcting Corrections." In this 50 minute interview, he notes the progress Vermont has made with a program designed to save the state money by finding alternatives to prison for non-violent offenders.

During this interview, we also discuss why VT's DOC estimates that only 4% of crimes result in incarceration.

This taping was set at DemocracyFest, a national annual conference of progressive advocates and activists, held this year in South Burlington.

Click on the photo above, or link here:


Monday, July 06, 2009

My advice to Senator Al Franken

Congressional Quarterly just interviewed me about Al Franken becoming a Senator tomorrow.

Here's part of what I said:

My advice to comedian Franken is to remember that while he may be the funniest one at the club (and he is, I love Al Franken), he'll never be as funny as the chair of his committee. Especially if he wants to get the last laugh.

I've also had colleagues complain to me when I've spoken on the floor or in committee, "Jason, I heard what you had to say, and I was very disappointed. You weren't funny."

Click here for the full story.
