Friday, April 08, 2011

I Love to Ride My Bicycle

Last week, the House passed a bill calling for more bike racks at state government buildings.

It started out with H.307, a bill that I co-sponsored along with Rep. Burke (P-Brattleboro), Rep. Davis (P-Washington), and Rep. Lanpher (D-Vergennes).

Working closely with Nancy Schulz of the Vermont Bicycle and Pedestrian Coalition, we successfully folded the bill into the Capital Bill, H.446, which passed. Now it's up to the Senate and the Governor Shumlin, whose administration has been very supportive.

It disappointed (but didn't surprise) me that many in the House opposed this provision, because they worried about staff costs and costs of bike racks. To me, that's penny-wise, pound-foolish. Fortunately, reason saved the day and it passed. Encouraging and expanding on cycling as a means of transportation carries clear benefits to our environment, Vermonters who cycle to work (it's not just for recreation!), and our state budget.



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